Thanks for the heads up. Sorry that I opened it and didn’t search for the issues first. From the title lookup on the issue list, it wasn’t clear to me that it is the same issue.
However, any glue why the (Originally published… ) link in the opening comment here, points to the Issue-Tracker on Github and not to my issue-note on my blog? The log on has both URLs in the list. Should i open a new issue for this on
Is there an issue with publishing posts to Mastodon ( instances? Since today (havent published to bridgy-fed for about 3 weeks) I get an HTTP 401 - not autorized error.
I 2020-10-28 21:25:22.029036 Verification failed for []([]( 2020-10-28 21:25:22.029431 (most recent call last):File "/srv/oauth_dropins/webutil/[](", line 1480, in callresp.raise_for_status()File "/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/[](", line 941, in raise_for_statusraise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)[requests.exceptions.HTTPError](http://requests.exceptions.httperror/): 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: 2020-10-28 21:25:22.107845 No targets or followers. Ignoring.
A short update before the weekend: We are currently working on extending our API. (Health data ) We also had some wishes for our API on our list. Should be online within the next week.
So hopefully soon you will be able to push your Health data via @HealthToFit to Runalyze.
Been wanting to try those after I tried Hoka One One... Road shoes?
It’s not my first pair from Altra, but the first road shoe, yes. First try felt very comfortable (maybe to much for me) and loads of space for the foot. Will try them for a longer run on sunday.
Da bin ich dabei! Angesichts der momentanen Lauf-Veranstaltungs-Situation “veranstaltet” @RunalyzeDE am Osterwochenende einen Easter Run Tolle Aktion!
sorry for the bad news. @rretsiem if you know the admin(s), feel free to ask them for any related server logs from around this time, 2020-03-24 10:46:23 UTC, they might be able to help!
Got an answer to my question for the logs from the admin (@Milan) of the instance. But sadly he can’t help here. So I think it will be as mysterios as it was.
current status: debugging pixelfed's oauth. i've gotten through to requesting the access token, but pixelfed 400s that request with The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server. (i'm passing `grant_type=authorization_code`.) not sure which other grant type i'd use. i'll ask them.
Instagram ist der beste Beweis dafür, dass selten das beste Produkt gewinnt.
Katastrophale Benutzungserfahrung, Werbung nach jedem Wisch, keine Weblinks in Posts erlaubt, lächerliche Bildauflösung, keine chronologische Timeline, außerdem alles voller Schleichwerbung, Werbeaufträge und generell alles verlogen. Und das ist heute das Hauptnetzwerk der jungen Leute, ich begreif es nicht. [Ich nutze das nicht.] - Don Alfrumblo Pizza (MdB)